Monday 27 December 2010

Boredom will kill you. (It actually makes you read Betterware, the catalogue of useless objects, cover to cover)

So as usual I am irritated by something in this little world we call home. Today it is Public Holidays.

As we are all aware, Christmas 2010 is now over and gone (woooo). But why is the world still at a standstill?

You want to know why? Laziness and selfishness is what it is. Bank holidays? Just an excuse to spend another day lazing around the house in your pants.

It is now the early hours of Tuesday the 28th of December. Yes a Tuesday...but apparantly it is a bank holiday. Again. Even though we had one yesterday, along with Boxing Day on Sunday, Christmas Day on Saturday and logically Christmas Eve on Friday. Which means that buses have not been running a normal service and shops have not been open regular hours since Thursday. Whaaaat?! Along with the bad weather I have no idea how is this country is even still functioning.

I am even grumpier than usual at the minute (yes that is possible) because I have a cold. When I say I have a cold, I mean only one of my nostrils is in working order. I've also been unable to sleep at regular sleeping hours because of this slight problem of not being able to breathe.

Due to me being on my deathbed (slight exaggeration maybe?) and unable to retain a normal sleeping pattern, later on today I would quite like to pop to the supermarket at a reasonable hour which suits me such as 6pm to go and stock up on Vicks, Beechams and potatoes. But... the calendar says no. I have to drag myself out of bed at lunch time and go and shop amongst the hustle and bustle of panic-buying pensioners. Eurrrggghhh.

And I always get the 'you'd love bank holidays if you had a job' speech. Actually no I wouldn't. I used to have a job alongside my studies and I had to work every fucking bank holiday. Yes it was double pay but was definately not worth the stress of overcrowded skeleton-service buses, overly angry customers and lack of places open to get a decent lunch.

I am currently on a break from university until the 10th of January and I am already slowly and painfully dying of boredom. Being away from any type of routine, be it a break from uni, a break-up from a relationship, a lack of internet access... they all make me spiral into a downward fall of depression and self-pity.
I like routine, I like plans, I like having things to do. Right now all I wanna do is get back to uni, the prospect of spending one more day in my pyjamas watching Jeremy Kyle and checking the fridge every 5 minutes to see if any nice food has magically appeared makes me wanna cry a little bit. How do people actually sit and do nothing and not get bored?

Though, in theory, I always want what I can't have. As soon as I'm back at uni I will wish for some time off, it is guaranteed. And right now I do have an essay I should be getting on with, but I'm just too busy procastinating.

So holidays are not fun, if like me, you have nothing productive to do with them and when they come at a time when you have shitloads of time off anyway, they're just an inconvenience.

And now in April we have another one thanks to Prince William and Kate selfish royal pricks.