Friday 14 January 2011

I've never voted tory before because I have a heart. (What a load of Eton Mess).

Now I'm the first to admit that I'm not an expert on this subject, but here it goes, Politics.

At the present we have a huge-foreheaded wanker as Prime Minister who was technically never elected. Now how is that fair? And the deputy is a cheating, spineless liar.

This is Britain. We should have a fair government, we don't though do we? It's things like these that kinda make me wish I was American. Obama is just so cool and likeable, Cameron is just so posh and punchable.

Like this morning I got rather miffed at the fact that my monthly travel pass has gone up from £62 to £67.50, yet my loan & grant which are supposed to cover these costs, has not gone up. Stupid VAT increases....and VAT itself is a stupid concept. Jaffa Cakes are exempt but tampons aren't. Because ask any girl and I'm sure they will agree that periods are a luxury.

At the time of the election I was living in London and when I saw on TV that Gordon Brown was resigning the first thing I wanted to do was jump on the tube, hang outside and just try and offer some support. I loved Gordon Brown, I miss him.

It took me a while to warm to him I admit, obviously he isn't the most charismatic of politicians, but one thing he is which most aren't is genuine. I loved that he called that old lady a bigot because she is one, I love the way he composed himself on the live election debates, I love how you felt like you had the security that he wouldn't lie to you.

And the way he was thrown out of Number 10 was just heartbreaking, seeing him, Sarah and their beautiful boys walking away hand-in-hand. I wanted to give him the biggest cuddle.

Now a few years ago I'd considered going into politics myself, and planned on studying it at A-Level, but I was told by the teacher and a few other people that I was too attractive to ever be taken seriously as an MP. Slightly unfair maybe? I'd say I'm average, I don't look in the mirror and think 'wow, you sexy bitch', but I'm blonde and have reasonably sized breasts. In politics that is bad thing, on page 3 however it's a brilliant thing.

That is what we need though, more women in government. All men are bastards so this is what happens when we have them running the country, it all goes to shit. Now women are magic, we can multi-task and make everything amazing, give us the country and I'm sure we could do the same. We need more women and more working-class MPs to get us through these difficult financial times, as I believe that the working-class appreciate the value of money a hell of a lot more.

All I can say is that I hope David Cameron realises just how much of an arse he  is and calls a general eleection. And if that doesn't happen I say we all march up to Scotland and put Gordy B back in his rightful place :)

And here is a picture of the well missed man and his smile, even Obama loved the cuddly scotsman.

And here is Dave with a puppy. Like him yet? doesn't work does it? Look at the puppy's face, even he doesn't trust him.