Thursday 14 April 2011

Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends...(High school never ends)

One thing I hate is bitchiness. If I've got something to say to someone, I'll say it. No holding back, no trying to make it sound nice, if you're a bitch to me I'll say exactly what I think of you. There are so many people out there who need to learn a lesson on Growing Up.

I'm opinionated, I'm slightly bossy and diva-ish at times, I know how I deserve to be treated and won't accept anything less, but most importantly I'm a nice person. I'll never dislike someone for no reason at all, I always try and see the best in people and will go out of my way to make the people I care about happy.

But pretty much all the way through life, through school, college, work, uni, I've had to put up with pathetic bitchy little girls who decide not to like me for no reason at all (other than them being jealous for some reason).

In school, I was never popular, and I was never the prettiest, but girls would just look at me and decide to hate me.  I got excluded for punching a bully and busting her nose after she'd slapped me across the face, I used to have to have a pass to let me leave school early cos they'd follow me home, I'd be taken out of class and put into isolation for 'my own safety', and I was nicknamed 'fat back' (even though at the time I was a size 6 and weighed only 6 stone). It was like I was being punished just for being a decent person. For years and years this bothered me, and I think 'what have I done wrong?'. Only recently I've come to terms with the fact that it's them with the problem not me. I see them now, walking around with greasy hair, wearing filthy joggers, hanging round in bus stations with teenagers at the age of 20, pushing round their illegitimate children in Argos strollers; being a walking breathing version of The Jeremy Kyle Show. And I think now, yeah if I was them I'd be jealous of me too. I'd be jealous of anyone who actually spent their time in school getting an education instead of trying to make life hell for other people because I wasn't satisfied with my own sad little life.

One of the most inspirational things I ever read was in an interview with Kate Winslet. She was constantly bullied at school about her appearance and her weight, and after she won an Oscar for 'Titanic' she approached her school bully who was working in Boots, and said 'thank you, thanks for making me so determined to prove you all wrong'. And look at her now compared to them, it just goes to show you.

And here is an inspirational song too for people who've ever been made to feel like shit by people who weren't even worthy to be around you:

I always seem to have issues with girls regarding my relationships too. The guys I tend to go for always seem to have psycho ex-girlfriends or obsessive admirers. Now I'm not a jealous person, I just have a short temper and will get extremely annoyed and defensive at stupid whore-ish girls who will throw themselves at other people's boyfriends. Now I'm not saying it's always the girl's fault, because if a guy cheats then he's just as much to blame than the girl he did it with, but girls always seem to attack each other and the guys get away with murder, when in theory they're the ones who should be hated.

Like at the minute, I've just had to block two facebook accounts and a twitter belonging to some deranged little school girl. It was the typical story of boy meets girl, boy gets drunk and mistakenly snogs obsessed cow, boy and girl fall out, girl writes blog about boy, boy and girl make up, obsessed cow won't back off, boy and girl become official, obsessed cow is still hanging around, boy and girl break up, obsessed cow 'likes' that he is single, girl calls obsessed cow a fat whore :)

...And then obsessed cow goes even more crazy bitch and spams me with messages saying that me and my trashy make-up, huge forehead and fake tits should fuck off back to Primark. And I have the personality of a fish apparently.

I'm sorry you can't afford to buy Benefit make up like I do, yes I have quite a big forehead, hence why I always have a fringe, and if my boobs were fake I'd have gone a lot bigger than this. Also, the only things I've ever bought from Primark are pyjamas and sunglasses (I always sit on them and break them), and if I had the personality of a fish nobody would be reading this right now....

I'm not a girl to mess with, and I'm especially not a girl who's guy should be messed with either.

I'm going on a girly holiday in July and can't wait. Except one of the girls there hates me for absolutely no reason at all. She's been friends with my friends slightly longer than I have, and it is nothing but jealousy. Jealous that her friends like me and she doesn't, jealous that I'm fun and not a grumpy cow like she is. And I have always always been nothing less than lovely to her, when I met her I could just tell she didn't like me so I would go out of my way to be extra nice to her, literally try anything to make her like me. And now I think, why did I even bother? I don't want someone like her to like me anyway, she's clearly got a lot of issues. And she refused to drop out of this holiday even though she's evidently not wanted on it, and had to invite herself on it in the first place, and if she hated me that much surely the last thing she'd wanna do is spend a week in close proximity with me? I love my friends and always try and make it so it's not awkward for them, like if she makes a nasty comment I'll ignore it (which is extremely difficult for someone as opinionated as me to do) but I've actually had enough. One nasty comment on this holiday and she'll have a pina colada in the face and a suitcase full of suncream.  

So, if people hate you cos you're pretty, or hate you because you're too nice, don't let it bother you, you're better than them and always will be. And always, always stand up for what you believe in, even if other people might disagree. And never apologise for something that makes you happy, that's like saying sorry for being yourself.

The point of this blog entry?

Jealousy won't get you anything that you've lost.